Before you can use the enhanced services on the site like managing your own profile page and those of others such as your children, submitting performances and having access to a wider range of data we would like you to register with us by completing the form below. If you have already done this, click here to login. Note that if you have previously registered on the Athletics Data or British Milers Club or runbritain Rankings sites then there is no need to complete this form again and you can just login.
Your First Name *
Your Surname *
Please note that it is necessary to register you as the user first.
If you then wish to edit your children's profiles, they can be added subsequently to completing this form.
Email *
Your email address will be your username and must be bona fide so we can contact you if need be.

Date of Birth * Sex *
UK Club *
Nationality *
Please note that we only maintain athlete profiles for UK nationals or those who permanently reside in the UK.
Registration Number
If you have one, please enter your UKA registration number (aka URN). You can use the Licence checker to see if you have one.

Contact Details
Address 1 *
Address 2
Address 3
Town *
Post Code
Country (if not UK)
Phone *

Password *
Confirm *
Please enter a password (at least 6 characters) and then again as a confirmation

Press Submit when you have completed the form. * means a mandatory field.